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Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь - dislocation


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Перевод с английского языка dislocation на русский

Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  1. мед. вывих; смещение (обломков кости) dislocation of the hip —- вывих бедра 2. геол. смещение, нарушение 3. нарушение, беспорядок; путаница, неурядица; неполадка the dislocation of trade caused by the blocking of the canal —- нарушения в торговле, вызванные блокадой канала 4. воен. редк. дислокация 5. физ. дислокация (в кристалле) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) вывих  2) расстройство  3) неувязка, неурядица, неполадка  4) geol. дислокация, нарушение, перемещение (пластов) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) дислокационный 2) дислокация 3) нарушение правильности кристаллической структуры 4) расстройство 5) смещенность - dislocation core - dislocation line - dislocation plane - dislocation ring - dislocation source - dislocation theory - generate dislocation - mixed dislocation - screw dislocation - single dislocation - twinning dislocation ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  дислокация dislocation with two-terminating half-planes — дислокация с двумя лишними полуплоскостями - anchored dislocation - angular dislocation - bent dislocation - Burgers dislocation - circular dislocation - dissociated dislocation - edge dislocation - emitter edge dislocation - entangled dislocations - epitaxial dislocation - etching dislocation - etch pit dislocation - extended dislocation - extrinsic stacking fault dislocation - fast dislocation - Frank dislocation - glide dislocations - grown-in dislocation - half dislocation - half-ring dislocation - head dislocation - helical dislocation - hollow dislocation - immobile dislocation - imperfect dislocation - infinitesimal dislocation - interfacial dislocation - intrinsic stacking fault dislocation - isolated dislocation - jogged dislocation - jogged screw dislocation - leading dislocation - left-handed screw dislocation - linear dislocation - line dislocation - locked dislocation - loop dislocation - misfit dislocation - mixed dislocation - mobile dislocation - multiple dislocation - paired dislocation - partial dislocation - perfect dislocation - piled-up dislocations - polygonal dislocations - pre-existing dislocation - prismatic dislocation - punched out dislocation - pure dislocation - right-handed screw dislocation - ripple dislocation - scratch dislocation - screw dislocation - sessile dislocation - Shockley dislocation - spiral dislocation - stacking fault dislocation - stair-rod dislocation - stretched dislocation - superextended dislocation - total dislocation - twinning dislocation - unit dislocation - wedge dislocation ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 the act or result of dislocating. 2 Crystallog. the displacement of part of a crystal lattice structure. Etymology: ME f. OF dislocation or med.L dislocatio f. dislocare (as DIS-, locare place) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Date: 14th century the act of dislocating ; the state of being dislocated: as  a. displacement of one or more bones at a joint ; luxation  b. a discontinuity in the otherwise normal lattice structure of a crystal  c. disruption of an established order ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (dislocations) Dislocation is a situation in which something such as a system, process, or way of life is greatly disturbed or prevented from continuing as normal. Millions of refugees have suffered a total dislocation of their lives. = disruption N-VAR: oft N of n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary


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